Battalion Commander's Message
As we in the middle of the sesquicentennial of the U.S. Civil War, we invite all who have an interest in this most important time in our great country's history to come and be part of it. The Bluegrass Mountain Artillery and it's member units are family oriented, mainstream groups who believe that everyone who wishes to participate in this hobby be given the opportunity to do so. We also believe in cooperation, not confrontation in making each event that we participate in a success by working with the event staff and command structure. Although we are at heart a Confederate unit, we will galvanize (play Federal) if we need to. We try to take care of new recruits by either issuing loaner gear till gear is affordable or pointing them in the direction of affordable gear that they may personally purchase. We employ "sweat equity" with all our member batteries and only ask our membership to show up and participate in our scheduled events. All units in the BMA are safety trained and qualified under the NCWAA (National Civil War Artillery Association) or similar organizations to insure safe discharge of our cannons on the field. We are a likable organization due simply to the fact that we have a likable bunch of people. We have some static artillery units and some horse/mule drawn units, plus associated cavalry support units and infantry support units to include whatever interest in the hobby you have.
If you are interested in giving the BMA or one of it's member units a try, contact their battery representative or myself at
Major Keith G. Karcher
Bluegrass Mountain Artillery

Extreme Right Artillery Section
Twin Rivers Campaign, November 2010
Photo by Captain Doug Thomas
Lyon's KY Battery