History of Waters' Battery
This command was organized at Mobile city, in October 1861, and the men and officers were from there. The battery remained in the defence of that city till the spring of '62, when it moved to Corinth. It was in the Kentucky campaign losing lightly at Mumfordville, and none at Perryville. It suffered severely at Murfreesboro, where it was in Manigault's brigade. At Chicamauga the battery was engaged without loss; but at Missionary Ridge it lost three guns and half its force were captured. The other half were distributed in Cobb's (Kentucky) and Mayberry's (Tennessee) battery, and served till the end.
History of the Modern Waters' Battery
Originally formed in 1997 by Jason Stoltz and Larry Adams with their mountain howitzer "Problem Child." Since then the battery has grown to close to 20 people (civilians included) and fields 2 cannons "Bama Rose" and "Maryann" (our only field piece). It is a founding member of the Bluegrass Mountain Artillery, and the Kentucky Orphan Brigade. All cannons and cannoneers are safety qualified under NCWAA guidelines.